Thursday, 31 January 2008

Blogging at 2.30 am - get a life

I'm finding it very difficult to sleep during the night. We've tried various remedies, including tonight the old warm milk trick, no matter how hard I try, I can't get past 12midnight, then I wake up about every twenty minutes for the next five hours - yuck. So tonight something different - get up and do some emails and computer work.

Tomorrow the doctor is coming down to give me the once over, and I'm to have some blood tests. Should be interesting to see what the tests say, because "your skin is much better looking today".

I've had a lot of visitors over the past week or so, mostly to say goodbye. Some have been harrowing, some touching - all tiring. More today and tomorrow. When I think about it, tho, I'm not going anywhere, so why not?

Oh , incidentally, there is nothing on night-time tv except skin care and and ancient movie on the ABC. So dull - stay in bed.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Maybe just a couple more...

I wanted to respond to all of the messages of support and love I've been receiving - I'm frankly overwhelmed!

For me, this blog was only ever a way of spreading information about my cancer and progress. But people seemed to have latched onto it in a way that I didn't anticipate.

I have to tell you that the brave exterior has collapsed a bit: I am absolutely terrified at the thought of dying. Oh, I'm through all of the K/R stages, I think, and its certainly not any religious consideration. Its just the uncertainty about how fast, how "well", the amount of pain, and my continuing worries about those left behind. I'll be gone, but their pain and loss will go on for a long time - it worries me a lot, particularly knowing there's absolutely nothing I can do about.

Details: selling car, organising funeral directors who won't make me choose Wind beneath my Wings as music, writing notices for the papers, organising a wake not knowing how many people might attend here in Brisbane. Just the normal stuff to do before you go away on a long holiday!

Once again, thanks for your love and support - it means more to me at this stage than you can possibly know.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Maybe the Last Post................

This might be the last time I post on this blog, as things have reached an interesting new low.

I've spent the last three days in hospital (instead of having chemo) having tests to establish why my colour is that of a ripe mango. Of the two possible choices: a blocked bile duct which could be surgically fixed and therefore I could go forward; or a packed it in liver, guess which I got!? Those of you who guessed the worst case scenario collect a lollipop from the lady at the door.

Yep, my liver has packed it in as a result of those little spots that were picked during the surgery on 24 Nov. They have grown aggressively and quickly, and now seem to have got me. The oncologist has suggested that it will be weeks rather than months (he rather liked the idea of 2/3 weeks). The practicalities of the whole ting would seem to be that I will fade away over the next couple of weeks, ending up in a coma, then death. I've been assured that it should be relatively painless, as there are few nerve endings in the liver, which is a blessing for someone who doesn't thrive on pain - and in any case, thing how easily I got through all the chemo: it would hardly seem fair to change those rules now, would it.

Another practicality: we moved to Brisbane quite deliberately to spend time with grandchildren, and to disestablish ourselves from the Canberra operation of the business. I've decided for all that That I want a small service - up here I'm afraid. So keep you eyes peeled for the death notice in the CT for details. Non-religious of course.. Secretaries of Departments of State can piggyback it off appointments witt the Ruddster up here.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Chemo's been very tough this time

Question: what looks like a skinny golum, but much yellower and less energetic?
Answer: Me. That was easy, wasn't it?.
My day consists pretty much of lying in bed until its time to get up for breakfast. Carefully wandering downstairs because my balance is not so good, and scratching some cereal around the plate till I feel I've at least had some exercise, if not sustenance. Then, I wander carefully upstairs again to have a long rest to recover from the sudden burst of activity. And so the days go on. I really am at bout the nadir of my experience with this stuff, and thoughts occur that maybe I'm reaching me end time sooner than we thought - or maybe its just the chemo. In any case, I am really just this side of a hospital case. It will be interesting to see what they do with the next bunch of crap, due 18 January. I'm tired now, so I'll have a little rest.