Saturday, 16 June 2007

Post-chemo post #1

Saturday morning, C1D3 (that's Cycle One, Day Three for those who weren't paying attention earlier). Things are proceeding pretty well a couple of days after the first chemo session, with very little real effect at this stage.

For the record, the drugs I am having are: C1D1, epirubison and cysplatin, and constantly infused, 5FU (5-fluorouracil). In the States, according to the bulletin boards I've been reading, I think I would be having oxaliplatin instead of the cysplatin. My oncologist has no idea why they use that over there.

I spent Thursday morning in the chemo unit hooked up to various bits and pieces for about four hours, watching others come and go as they went through their regimes - some just in for an hour or so, others for a couple of hours. I was the only one who stayed the entire morning session. There were maybe 17 people through the unit in the time I was there. I sat next to a woman for some time who was in her third attempt in 18 months to kill off ovarian cancer - she said she was becoming less hopeful each treatment.

After the chemo, I was checked into the ward for the afternoon and night as a precautionary measure. I re-met a few nurses who were there just eight weeks ago when I had the dreaded gastroscopy that detected the cancer. Anyway, I was so full of anti-nausea drugs that I felt fine for the whole time - a little cotton-woolly in the head perhaps, but pretty good. And of course, no vomitting at all, which I think surprised everybody a little, but surely that was the point of the medication! Maybe its a propitious omen.

I came home mid-morning yesterday, and had a restful day, apart from wandering down for after-work drinkies (mineral water) with a few of the troops from work. Very pleasant and normal. I also had a decent couple of hours sleep during the afternoon, which I obviously needed after a fairly restless Thursday night.

This morning, Gaye and I took the dog for a a forty minute walk, and that wasn't too taxing either, so I hope its not too early to say "I'm back!"

Now for the downside. When I was changing from jimjams into walking gear this morning, for a few short seconds I was ...... nude .......... except for the belt which holds up the walkman-sized chemo pump which I wear on my left hip. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I have to say that I have seen few stranger sights than me with all my new plumbing exposed! All over my chest, tubes running this way and that, descending to a couple of loops around the black pack on the hip - and the belt. And of course the dressings covering the portacath, which is in itself quite a visible presence on my chest. No wonder Gaye was finding it difficult to control herself!!

Another very small side affect is that I make funny noises when I move. The point of the needle in the portacath is scratching against the back plate, and every time I move my arm - to walk, for instance - there is quite an obvious scratching noise. I'll no doubt get used to it, and it will be a great party trick for the kids when they get down here next week.


Anonymous said...

glad that you're feeling better! we're thinking of you back here in kiwiland... and we hope to see you in auckland again soon!!! :) lotsaluv Antonia!!!!

Anonymous said...

That sure is a good looking bike although for some reason we had imagined your bike being a sleek black colour. Whatever the colour it will probably enhance the unique scratching sound effects you have 'acquired'.
Now C1D5 and we trust your latest 'accoutrements' are continuing to do their job effectively and ensure your time with the kids is as great as ever.
We look forward to the next photo of the group.
Margaret & Brendon

Greg Pike said...

Reading your update I have no bloody idea what you are talking about (C1D1 & 5FU? - now that one is a bit suss)- but Wendy does, so she was able to translate and basically she suggested that what you have had in your chemo regime so far is akin to being zapped by the equivalent of a 500lb bomb - now that's language that I understand! And you are still standing! Well done mate but no more of the lurid descriptions of your skinny butt and other bits otherwise you will have to reclasify your blog to an R rating!
best wishes to you both and enjoy your time with the wee ones.
Greg & Wendy