Friday, 20 July 2007

A Quick Update

C2D16. Another week has passed, and apart from the fact that I can't shake a cold that I've now had for nearly two weeks, everything is going fine.

The hair situation has stabilised, and while I am very,very wispy, I am hanging on to a little. And if you caught me in a good light, you might think I was merely balding badly. I am assured by a couple of nurses, and one of my favourite naysayers, that I will be egg-like after the next major jolt - next Thursday. Thanks guys. Some have suggested a wig, others the currently fashionable tight gangsta beanie, and my in-laws a pom-pom topped hand-knitted number. I'm thinkin' snap-brimmed black fedora. Definitely more my style. I'll post photos.

I go in for the the first of Cycle 3 on Thursday next week. After the completion of this cycle - i.e. in just over three weeks from now, down to Sydney for a mid-treatment PET scan to see what's happening with the little sucker.

I don't really want to harp on it, but I am actually being treated very kindly by this process, and I'm reminded of it every time I go into the clinic (remember, twice a week for blood test and pump change). Most of those I meet are pretty debilitated by their treatment, and more than a couple look like death warmed up! My four days of crap after each jolt seems like a bonus! Not that I'm complaining, mind you!!

I suspect that the next treatment will affect me a little more heavily, there seems to be a slight accumulative affect.

Since I last blogged, Michael Milton, well known disabled down-hill skiing hero, has announced that he has an aggressive cancer in his oesophagus. Given his progress since losing his leg to bone cancer when he was eight or nine, this would be the last thing he would have expected. Michael and I both addressed a conference in Canberra in November last year. I sincerely hope we're not establishing a cancer cluster for the attendees! I wish him every bit of luck that I hope to have. (Incidentally, Michael got paid a shitload of money for his short speech, while I donated my much more amusing and better-received two hour workshop. Not that I'm bitter!).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blogs-love your attitude - like the bald look myself!!!heres to the next three weeks - Alan & Louise Spence

Greg Pike said...

Tony, missed the last week or so while moving house. Now back at work so good to see the last post and look forward to hearing how Cycle 3 went. Rather than a black fedora I though that a `Molly Meldrum' would do the trick!

Best as usual from Greg & wendy

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony,

Elizabeth Mitchell (from Libby) has passed on your details. I have just undergone a Whipple Proceedure...last April...

If you would like to have a coffee and discuss the issues and process please give me a call.....6283 2281

All the best,