Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Merry Xmas and an update

Well, Gaye and I are officially queenslanders now. We arrived on Saturday morning from Canberra, and immediately installed ourselves into our new home - and that's exactly what it feels like already. Of course, Gaye's mate Rob and our daughter Nicole - along with others - had done an enormous amount of unpacking for us, which made it so much easier. Thank heaven for family and friends!

I had my initial appointment with the oncologist we've been referred to: Paul Vasey. We're both very impresses. Youngish guy, maybe early to mid-40s, but very sharp, very empathetic. He's recommended that I start a four cycle (two month) course of something which escaped me at the time, commencing this Friday!! So much for building the strength and weight up.

In the meantime, I'm cruising along. I'm sleeping poorly, so each day is a series of mini-naps, which then of course makes it harder to sleep at note. I've had the doctor write me up a script for a sleeping tablet, so we'll see how that goes. Tried for the first time last night, but conditions weer not good, with present wrapping happening at 12.30, etc, but indications are hopeful. Roll on a full night's sleep. Maybe.

No change to cancer or prognosis. We're still playing an end game of uncertain length, but I have to say that the idea of a change of process and poison is a positive move: I hope that this time after it all happens, we get some relatively good news.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tony and Gaye,

Good to hear that you arrived safely and have settled in quickly. Canberra is the poorer, however, for your departure - so I hereby bestow dual citizenship upon you in the hope that you won't ignore us completely from here on!

As for the cancer, Tony, here's hoping (with all possible appendages crossed) that the second dose of poison proves to be more effective than the first.

Best wishes, in every sense, to you both for the new year.

Fond regards from down south,

Anonymous said...

Well, I miss you both already and agree with Denis that you need dual citizenship. Looking forward to some positive news in the new year and wish you both happiness and health. I am sure the move to QLD will improve your spirits and that will have a follow on effect everywhere!! Libby

Anonymous said...

Your energy continues to astound, as does your incredibly valuable literary and medical contribution via this blog. Richard and I are thinking of you and hoping that the Sunshine State helps contribute to your energy reserves.
Sharon Phillips