Sunday, 24 June 2007

Chemo so far

I had never intended that this Blog become a day-by-day, blow-by-blow account of my battle with cancer.
One reality that has become pretty apparent pretty quickly, is that this is much more a war of attrition than anything else. The chemo is a slow, laborious process that might (slightly better than 50% chance) result in victory - but we won't really know anything for at least another four months.
After just over week on chemo, what do I know? I know that the weekend after a Day One will be bearably unpleasant (maybe 6.5/10 on my personal wellness scale?). I know that if this last week and a half is anything to go by, my fears about chemo are pretty much unfounded. Each day since last Monday I've felt better, until the last two days I would rate myself as 9/10 - and frankly, I need artificial stimulants these days to feel much beter than that in the normal course of things. I know that I will lose my hair sometime next week, but I'm not in the slightest bit concerned about that. I know that just because I've had few in the way of side affects that it won't necessarily be like that for each cycle.
And what do I think? I think I'm going to be relatively unaffected by the chemo, based upon my experiences so far. I think that I'll get used to the tiredeness and lack of energy towards the end of each day. And I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have a decent outcome.
From here on, I'm going to add to the blog only every week or so - that should mean that I'll have something to add that's informative, rather than have it all a stream of consciousness thing.


Greg Pike said...

Good to see that you are dealing with the chemo so well. let's hope that you continue to feel little ill effect from the treatment.
best wishes Greg & Wendy

Rob and Maruta said...

We have been watching your progress with admiration and keeping our fingers crossed that the outcome is what you wish for.
Took your advice and set up our own blog as to keep the family informed of our progress.
Robert and Maruta

Anonymous said...

Hi again Tony.

Its great to hear that it is going so well, but what does the final comment about it all being "an ego-driven thing" mean? I never had that impression and I'd be astonished if anyone else had either. BTW, Nick (no. 1 son) sends his regards and best wishes to both you and Gaye.

Best regards as always,
Dennis H