Sunday, 10 June 2007

A difficult decision

I've come to a decision over the last couple of days, after a fair amount of agonising: I've decided not to attend the Gawler program until after I've completed chemo, i.e. in October or November, depending upon timing . My main reason is so that I can give my full attention to the chemo process. If I wanted to go to Gawler, I would have had to have taken a ten day break in chemo, and after some thought, I don't see how that would be particularly useful. And if the chemo goes well, then Gawler will be a valuable addition to my therapy. If chemo doesn't have the impact I hope for, then Gawler becomes the last shot in my magazine, and will probably be more potent because of that.

In the meantime, we have had an almost decadent long weekend so far, with two sleep-ins and a long walk today with Oscar (the dog) - almost two hours. Alas, no bike rides yet, but maybe tomorrow.

As we grazed at breakfast, Gaye happened on our stars in one of the Sunday paper magazines. I quote them without comment.

Pisces (me): Making no choices absolves some people of taking responsibility for their own lives. You've been very courageous setting out to follow your own path. This has been stressful, but soon it will bring delightful rewards. Some great news in the week ahead!

Taurus (Gaye): You have been steeling yourself for an earth-shattering, heart-wrenching change. You need not fear. The change that's about to take place is essentially a change of attitude, not circumstances. You will see that all is due to be much as it was, only better. Life is about to bring you something special.

In a similar spirit, I decided to test the predictions above using my own methods (actually a variation of Kabala as I understand it). I allowed one of my favourite books, Dave Pelz's Putting Bible to fall open at a random page. With my eyes closed, I then placed my finger, once again entirely at random, on the page that opened before me. Look at the passage I touched:
It's time to move on, from describing and discussing the 15 building blocks of putting to explaining a few other influences. But I want to warn you of something [my emphasis - TD]. If you go out and try to put all I've said in this and the last few chapters to work immediately, before you finish reading this book, you might become confused and give up, reverting to your old "gut-feel" putting. I don't want that to happen [once again, my emphasis - TD].

Now that is truly spooky. Next time, I am going to see if I get similarly appropriate messages from The Chappell Years. Stay reading


Greg Pike said...

Darce, there is always a reason for why things happen and your weekend experience sounds just like such a situation! Power to you & Gaye! I hope that Thursday brings with it the `great news' that your stars have promised!

Greg & Wendy

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony,
haven't spoken to you for a while -sounds like you're going to need all the strength you can muster. Hang in there, we're all on your side.
I googled your name a moment ago, and found a 2004 ABC website where listeners were encouraged to recommend a life-changing read for your Paris trip. (there was even a picture of you asleep with an ABC magazine!)
And here you are in 2007, looking for life-changing words from other sources under completely difference circumstances. I'll have a think and see if I can recommend anything.
love, Zoe

Anonymous said...

Hi Ant, I thought your own recent observation on the numbers of people winning division lotto was pretty enlightening, I have been furiously buying lotto tickets ever since in the hope of good health.. for all. Best wishes, Andrew

Anonymous said...

Tony and Gaye
Greetings from Ireland, land of green grass, rain, Paddys whiskey, great pubs, and even better gaelic pub music.

Rod and I got your site from M & B who we Skype regularly to keep up to date with Aus and Canberra. WE will keep an eye on the challenges you encounter as they come along through the site. Hope you feel the positive vibes we are sending, of course you are asleep when we are doing this! and wish all power to Paul Craft.

Jenny and Rod Berrill